Cambridge to Acton, Massachusetts – July 1, 2017

John Harvard's Endless Patience
Today, I set out to use the time that I had to explore both Cambridge and Boston. I was up and out of Taskin’s relatively early. I found my way to Harvard University, wanting to eat breakfast on the old lawn. There were many tourists, like myself, taking pictures and smiling. This being Saturday, few students were around.

Shoe Shine (John Harvard) - Old Lawn
I had anticipated a relaxing time at Harvard, quietly eating and contemplating those minds who had gone forth to help shape the world. On this day, I found it impossible to realize that dream.
Immediately after opening my breakfast sack, a squirrel came to visit. She entered my comfort bubble, prompting me to repeatedly kick to avoid a bite. My heart rate increased when she disappeared behind. Fearing a desperate, yet calculated, nip to the neck, I kept my head on a swivel. Straining to keep a lock on her, I frantically forced food in my mouth. Needless to say, those long-departed students of this great university never had a chance to enter my mind.

The Showdown
After escaping Harvard, I pedaled along the waterfront and visited the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I tried to gain access to some of the buildings, just to see some of the projects, but everything was locked down (I did briefly enter the visual arts building, but found only dead ends).

MIT Interest
Designed to Perfection (Exceptional Angles, Strong Construction) - MIT
The Workstation - MIT
I took a nearby bridge into Boston and pedaled around, getting a feel for the city. Cycling in Boston was a positive experience. City planners have included many bike-friendly lanes. Fellow cyclists were out in force.

Waterfront Trail
Public Garden - Boston, Massachusetts
George in the Distance - Boston Common
I found my way to the Public Garden and Boston Common. Placing my bike on the grass, I rolled out my yoga mat and read. Watching people enjoy themselves in established gardens such as these has alway been of great interest to me. This particular moment had a utopian feel to it. Paul Revere and the Tea Party will have to wait for my next visit.

Minuteman Trailhead
I pedaled out of town, taking the “Minuteman Bikeway” and various backroads. Just outside of Acton, I noticed a short road leading to an old water tower. Tired of cycling, I pitched the tent and went to sleep.

Water Tower Camp

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